PARSIQ Partners with Multi-Chain Aggregator Ariadne to Power Multi-Blockchain Operations

2 min readOct 8, 2021

Having successfully deployed a “Farm” or a Yield bearing platform is a great feat and one done on several of today’s blockchains. But why should a Farm be exclusive to only one blockchain? That’s where Ariadne comes into the picture. Targeting multi-chain aggregation for completing several tasks across multiple chains to maximize your yield and exposure of the Farms to multiple networks and thus more potential clients.

What is Ariadne?

Ariadne enables users of any supported chain to enter/exit yield farms on a multitude of blockchains, with virtually no lower limit of investment, and without having to deal with bridges, swaps and slippage, transaction costs on receiving blockchains etc.

Leveraging Alllbridge tech for cross-chain infrastructure and building a liquidity management network on top of it, Ariadne strives to deliver a trouble-free moving of capital. Every participating farm will have an “instant liquidity” space (think of Bancor) but also would be able to open/increase the space. The blockchain-dependent liquidity (i.e. on bridges underneath) will also be managed automatically.

PARSIQ + Ariadne

PARSIQ Technology will enter a role as a pillar in the Ariadne ecosystem, providing streams of data for liquidity analytics, pricing and yield optimization.

Cross-chain freedom is going to be at the forefront of blockchain adoption, with the user experience being seamless from a user perspective, Ariadne is building with a goal of having the user “forget” which chain they are on, which is why PARSIQ has decided to also participate in an early seed funding round.

Utilizing PARSIQ’s monitoring services, Ariadne can display real-time stats for users participating in farms, fund movements and confirmation data when moving liquidity.

PARSIQ’s real-time data streaming technology can be integrated into Ariadne, and this will help enhance data analysis capabilities, as well as the current notification system, to maintain the security of the project from several aspects.

About Ariadne

A protocol to enable cross-chain farming activity, maximizing yield and offering extra benefits and incentivization on top of existing platforms.

Project started in 2021 by a team of blockchain veterans, part of APYSwap foundation, did a private sale in early 2021 and is aiming to make the product available on mainnet in Q4 2021.

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PARSIQ is a blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform that serves as a multi-level bridge between blockchains and off-chain applications. PARSIQ technology is a proprietary ParsiQL programming language that allows users to monitor and interpret an endless stream of data on the blockchain; thus, it’s possible to monitor traders and ordinary users’ wallets.

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